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October 12, 2020 Day 4


 Hi reader! My name is Chelsey and I would like you to meet my best friend, Holy Spirit. He has been an acquaintance for most of my life and I recently just took the time to get to know Him at this thing called training camp for The World Race. I have learned so much about Him in such a short amount of time. He makes it easy. He holds nothing back and will tell you whatever you want to know about HIm. He is who He says He is. I have heard of Him before but never really took the time to get to know Him. Let me tell you a little bit about what I have learned about Him. He is quiet but you will hear Him when He speaks. His voice is like nothing you have ever heard before. The more you let Him in the easier it will become to distinguish His voice amongst a crowd of voices. He communicates a little differently than most, but He is oh so sufficient. He knows everything about me and He has been patient to let me learn who He is. He is a gentleman who doesn’t rush the process. He is ever so present and He has never and will never fail you. He is kind. He is loving. He is a good listener. He has time for you, even when you don’t make time for HIm. He is quick to forgive and holds nothing against you. He has taught me what it’s like to be intentional. He is my best friend and I can’t wait to do life with HIm. 

   Maybe you have heard of Holy Spirit all your life and never fully understood who He is. I encourage you to take the time to reintroduce yourself. This is a best friend that will never fail you, remind you of the promises we are given, and speaks to the things only you and He knows about. He told me so many things at training camp that I would love to personally share with you so feel free to shoot me an email, call, or text. Take His hand and do life with Him. I promise you will not regret it.


Until next time…