
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hi friends!
     My name is Chelsey Smith. I am 21 years old and I live in a small town outside of Nashville TN. I am so excited to be joining the World Race in 2021! We will be in a different country every month while out on the field. Those countries being South Africa, Eswatini, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ethiopia, Nepal, South Asia, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Launch is January 7th and I will be back the 21st of November. I’m done resisting the call that the Lord has placed on my life. Here is my heart on the “why” behind my decision. 
     A few months ago the Lord gave me an image. I was standing on a shore and the tide was barely touching my toes. I immediately tried to figure out what the Lord was trying to show me. Sometimes we aren’t supposed to know what the word, dream, image, etc. is right away. I believe the Lord sometimes wants to see if we steward what He gives us before He reveals to us what it is He has for us. With that being said, I put the image in the back of my mind but kept it close to my heart.
      A couple months later, a dear friend of mine (Natalie), her son, and brother (Luke), and I went on a day trip to Cade’s Cove. Luke randomly mentioned that he was at work one day and felt the need to encourage me to go on the race. (He is a WR Alumni!) Natalie had also mentioned this about two years prior. It is all about His perfect timing. The image the Lord gave me came to mind the moment he said it. I had immediate peace and felt relief. I tried to play it off like I was unsure, but I didn’t fool either of them. With my dad being the mission pastor of my home church and growing up watching him go on trips, and eventually me going to Mexico for the past 4 years and to Africa as well, missions has always been a huge part of my life. Watching my dad do what he does always made me feel like “I am going to do that one day.”
     I have been in a stagnate place for a long time in my walk with Christ, and that can get dangerous. The moment you get comfortable in your faith is the moment you stop growing. I am ready for this journey because I am ready to be uncomfortable. I am ready to get rid of my surface level relationship with Jesus and go deeper. The Lord has been so evident in the process and I know He is involved. Some of you may not understand, you may be fearful of what could happen, upset with me missing milestones in your life, etc. but honoring Jesus comes first.
     I will be honest with you. Leaving the country does not scare me, nor what could happen to me, or the fact that I have to raise a good chunk of change to go. Leaving my family and friends is the hardest thing I am struggling with. What happens if someone I deeply care for passes away while I am gone? What happens if my brother and sister in love find out they are expecting their first child? I will be missing weddings of dear friends, graduations of teens I deeply care about, and as silly as it sounds I will definitely miss my little pup. But the Lord revealed to me that no one I care about matters until He matters first. That. That is why I am stepping out of the boat and keeping my eyes on Him by answering the call to do this.
     Jesus has been so evident in the process and I can not wait to see the growth that comes from this experience. I’m ready to be obedient not to receive a blessing, but so that Jesus receives glory from my obedience. I am so excited to see what the Lord has planned throughout this trip. I look forward to going deeper with Jesus, letting Him refine me, serving in any capacity needed, and meeting incredible people along the way! Thank you to those of you who have donated and/or have been praying. I am so blessed to have such incredible people cheering me on. 

3 responses to “Putting My “Yes” on the Table.”

  1. Oh my one and only granddaughter…somehow I have always known one of my grandchildren will be called….just thought it would be one of the boys..LOL BUT, why not you? Your great grandmother was a pioneer in ministry here in SC, the first woman in the SC district of Assemblies of God to be ordained. Your great grandfather a minister,, a great great great grandfather a circuit preacher in the panhandle of FL and started churches. You do not have to be qualified to be called but if he calls you he will qualify you….just be available…Love you and will be praying for each step you take. Papa and I will be helping you some financially…

  2. I am so proud of you But for hearing the Lord’s call, being obedient to answer it and having the faith to trust Him to see you through this giant leap of faith.
    #NoFear #GodWillMakeAWay #SendMe #GreatCommission